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Frame School Timetable with Ease

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

Timetable framing is the most complicated process in a school. Why? The conditions and constraints attached to it. No overlapping of the work and do not exceed the maximum number of periods for a subject are the two common conditions. There can be other conditions also depending upon the school. Physics and Maths should come in the morning session; games period should come in the last period of either morning session or afternoon session are examples for such conditions. It may change year to year.

When it comes to constraints, there are no standards. Every school has its constraints. Moreover, it may change in each year. Three continues periods should not come for a teacher. Maths, Physics and Chemistry should not come continuously are examples for such constraints.

There are other requirements for many schools. Clubbing multiple classes or sections for a subject, for example, two classes or sections joining for games period. Clubbing multiple subjects for multiple classes, for example, students from three different sections are grouping separately to learn English, French and German in the same period.

How are schools handling it? A group under a timetable in charge is working hard to do it. Sitting together, cross-checking and verifying each condition and constraint and framing the timetable. It is a time-consuming process. It may take weeks to complete the timetable framing in some cases.

Once the timetable framing completed, the next headache is a modification in it. Change of teachers, adjustments in subjects can be the causes. Then again, the team has to work.

What about automatic timetable generation? Now automation is the answer to many such problems. Can an automatic timetable generation software solve it? The immediate answer may be ‘Yes’, but in practice, the answer is ‘No’. Why an automatic Software for timetable preparation can’t do the task for a school? It can do the timetable generation, but not with all conditions and constraints.

Each school has its conditions and constraints, and it may change year to year. It is close to impossible to develop a timetable framing software with all the logic. Even if a School timetable software generates timetable automatically; when it comes to change in the timetable, it has to generate timetable for all classes.

school timetable framing
Semi-automated timetable framing with VinHaze will give you full control

So, what is a feasible solution? The answer is a semi-automated timetable generation software. A timetable in charge with a semi-automated timetable software can complete the work quickly.

Without a team for verification, anyone can frame the timetable. And modify the timetable only for classes and sections which required it without affecting the timetable of other classes.

The idea of semi-automated timetable generation software has come to the developers of VinHaze school management system after an in-depth analysis of the timetable generation processes of many schools to create a perfect school timetable maker.

The team of VinHaze worked closely with many timetable framing experts and developed a wonderful application for timetable generation. It is solving the problem of timetable generation in many schools for more than a decade and serving as a proven timetable framing software.

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1 comentario

Priyank Acharya
Priyank Acharya
06 may 2019

Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

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