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 VinHaze® School ERP
Trusted since 2006



VinHaze® School ERP, a leading system trusted since 2006, manages over a million students annually.​
VinHaze® not just replace the manual work, it saves at least 1000+ man-hours each year.

Top Choice

VinHaze® is the ultimate choice for customers who have been disappointed by many other software.

Many Years of Expertise
Since 2006 in the domain, we've gained an intimate understanding of both domestic and international educational systems. 
Our insights have illuminated the urgent need for a state-of-the-art school management system to streamline administrative processes for educat
ional institutions.

VinHaze: A Comprehensive ERP Solution

Designed meticulously to address every nuance of school management, ensuring seamless administration.

Elevate Your Institution's Reputation
VinHaze isn't just a tool; it's a partner in enhancing your institution's stature. By enabling detailed communication between all stakeholders, we help you strengthen the bonds of trust and transparency.


VinHaze can be integrated with biometric devices and face readers, payment gateways etc.

Modules in VinHaze School Management System

20+ Modules with 250+ Data Entry Screens and 450+ Reports

Administration Module

The Administration Module in VinHaze is all about giving control to the school or institution. Easily set up as many users as needed, decide who gets to do what in the software, and make sure everyone follows the school's set rules, like the Academic Year and class structures. It’s a straightforward way to keep everything organized and protected.

Main Features:

  • Multi-user Capability: Easily set up any number of users.

  • Role-based Security: Decide user roles and what they can do.

  • Data Security & Confidentiality: Keep your school’s data safe.

  • Basic Configuration Settings: Set rules for how the software is used.

Staff Management Module

The Staff Management Module in VinHaze ensures that managing your school's staff is a breeze. From detailed profiles to organizing work groups and schedules, everything you need is right at your fingertips. Easily keep track of attendance, assign substitute duties, and even monitor staff performance. It's your one-stop solution for all things related to your staff.

Main Features:

  • Complete Staff Profiles: Capture all details like experience, qualifications, and submitted documents.

  • Work Group Organization: Set different groups with specific workdays and times.

  • Work Calendar: Dedicated calendars for each work group to plan efficiently.

  • Duty Scheduling: Assign specific tasks and schedules to every work group.

  • Attendance & Leave: Seamlessly manage staff attendance and leave requests.

  • Substitution Assignments: Quickly allocate substitute duties for staff on leave.

  • Special Work Assignments: Easily assign special tasks to staff as needed.

  • Performance Tracking: Keep an eye on how each staff member is performing.

Student Management Module

The Student Management Module in VinHaze simplifies every step of a student's journey in your institution. Starting from initial inquiries about admission to yearly promotions, it covers all the bases. This intuitive module helps in organizing entrance tests, assigning students to appropriate classes, and even keeping an eye on their discipline. With easy-to-issue certificates and efficient attendance tracking, managing students has never been this straightforward.

Main Features:

  • Enrollment from Inquiry: Start collecting student information right from the initial inquiry phase.

  • Entrance Test Management: Handle details of entrance tests and the subsequent selection process.

  • Comprehensive Admissions: Seamlessly admit students to the school, hostel, and transportation services.

  • Section & Division Sorting: Easily segregate students into specific sections or divisions.

  • Discipline Tracking: Monitor the discipline and behavior of each student.

  • Certificate Issuance: Prepare and issue various certificates like TC, Mark certificates, Bonafide certificates, etc.

  • Attendance Oversight: Efficiently manage and monitor the attendance of each student.

  • Yearly Promotions: Promote students effortlessly at the conclusion of each academic year.

Time-Table Module

The Time-Table Module in VinHaze ensures that scheduling and planning for each class is both flexible and efficient. Whether you're creating individual timetables, merging classes, or setting up the syllabus for each subject, this module makes it all straightforward. With the added feature of lesson planning and tracking, educators can stay ahead of their curriculum with ease.

Main Features:

  • Flexible Timetabling: Tailor timetables to the unique needs of each class.

  • Class Combination: Combine classes as needed while creating schedules.

  • Syllabus Preparation: Define and set up a comprehensive syllabus for every subject.

  • Lesson Planning & Tracking: Plan, execute, and monitor lessons for each subject and class.

Examination Module

VinHaze's Examination Module provides a comprehensive framework for managing and streamlining the complete examination process. From scheduling exams to assigning duties, managing seating, and analyzing performance, this module ensures that examinations are conducted seamlessly. With advanced tools for detailed performance analysis and report card generation, both students and educators can benefit from clear insights into academic progress.

Main Features:

  • Exam Timetable: Efficiently plan and communicate examination schedules.

  • Duty Management: Assign and oversee the roles and responsibilities during examinations.

  • Seating Management: Organize exam room allocations and seating arrangements systematically.

  • Performance Analysis: Delve deep into academic performance, analyzing results by exams, subjects, and more.

  • Report Card Generation: Automatically generate detailed report cards, providing clear insights into each student's achievements.

Fees Module

The Fees Module in VinHaze provides a robust solution for all fee-related tasks, ensuring that your institution's financial operations are well-coordinated and transparent. From fee structuring to collections, offering discounts, and handling refunds, this module simplifies and streamlines the entire process. Additionally, with multiple payment method support and automatic integration into accounts, financial management becomes a hassle-free experience.

Main Features:

  • Fee Structuring: Create and categorize fees with various frequencies like registration, yearly, termly, monthly, etc.

  • Departmental Collections: Manage fee collections across different departments and bill books.

  • Discount Management: Offer group and individual discounts, making fee payment flexible for students.

  • Extra Fee Options: Facilitate the collection of additional fees beyond the standard structure when needed.

  • Multiple Payment Methods: Accept fees via cash, cheques, online methods, and more.

  • Fee Refund System: Efficiently manage and process fee refunds when required.

  • Automatic Accounting Integration: Seamlessly reflect fee transactions in the institution's accounts for accurate financial tracking.

Payroll Module

VinHaze's Payroll Module is designed to make the intricate process of salary management simple and efficient for your institution. This comprehensive system allows for the creation of diverse salary heads, ensuring that every aspect of an employee's compensation is accurately represented. From mandatory contributions like EPF and ESI to handling advances or loans, this module ensures timely and accurate salary calculations. Plus, with the integration of attendance and leave data, salary computations are always precise and fair.

Main Features:

  • Salary Head Creation: Set up and manage various components of staff compensation.

  • EPF & ESI Calculation: Automatically calculate and deduct mandatory provident fund and insurance contributions for eligible staff.

  • Advance/Loan Management: Keep track of salary advances or loans, ensuring accurate deductions and repayments.

  • Attendance-based Salary Calculation: Compute salaries based on actual attendance and leave data, ensuring fairness and accuracy.

Accounts Module

The Accounts Module in VinHaze is a cornerstone for maintaining the financial health and transparency of your institution. It's built to handle the complexities of academic financial management, providing tools for year-wise accounting, seamless transaction recording, and comprehensive financial statement generation. Additionally, with its integrated design, the module automatically captures financial transactions from other modules such as fee collections and payroll, ensuring a unified and accurate financial overview.

Main Features:

  • Year-wise Accounting: Structure and manage your institution's finances based on the financial year, ensuring organized record-keeping.

  • Transaction Management: Efficiently record and track all cash, bank, and journal transactions, providing a clear trail of financial activities.

  • Integrated Financial Reflection: Automatically incorporate financial data from other modules, ensuring holistic financial tracking.

  • Financial Statements: Generate detailed financial statements, offering insights into the institution's fiscal health and performance.

Transportation Module

The Transportation Module in VinHaze ensures that the logistical aspects of your institution's transport services are well-coordinated and efficient. Whether managing vehicles of various types, setting up multiple trips, or handling fees, this module has you covered. It intelligently adjusts fees depending on when a student joins or leaves, and also offers the flexibility of managing transportation provided not just by the school, but also by private and public providers.

Main Features:

  • Vehicle Management: Organize vehicles by category and seating capacity for optimized usage.

  • Multiple Trip Management: Set up and oversee multiple trips for each vehicle to maximize efficiency.

  • Stage-based Fee Management: Manage fees based on different distance stages or stops.

  • Automatic Fee Handling: Adjust transportation fees automatically based on a student's admission or vacating date.

  • Diverse Transport Options: Coordinate transport provided by the school, private entities, or public transport services.

Vehicle Management Module

The Vehicle Management Module in VinHaze is designed to make overseeing your institution's fleet a breeze. With this module, you can assign staff to specific vehicles, ensuring that each transport is adequately manned. Additionally, it offers tools to track fuel consumption, monitor vehicle maintenance, and manage the renewals of essential documents like insurance and fitness certificates. It’s your comprehensive solution for all vehicular concerns.

Main Features:

  • Staff Assignment: Designate specific staff members to each vehicle for organized operations.

  • Fuel Register & Efficiency Tracking: Record fuel consumption and assess the mileage and efficiency of every vehicle.

  • Vehicle Maintenance: Oversee the maintenance of each vehicle and keep track of service appointments.

  • Document Renewals: Efficiently manage renewals of critical documents like insurance policies and fitness certificates.

Hostel Management Module

VinHaze's Hostel Management Module streamlines the process of accommodating students and overseeing their stay. From the moment a student is admitted to the hostel, the module efficiently calculates fees, adjusts for specific dates, and ensures a smooth experience. With tools to craft the hostel's calendar, monitor student health, and manage attendance, it's designed to provide both security and convenience. Plus, the easy preparation and printing of ID cards further reinforce safety and organization within the hostel environment.

Main Features:

  • Admission & Fee Calculation: Automated fee adjustments based on student joining and vacating dates.

  • Hostel Calendar Preparation: Set up and manage the working calendar for the hostel.

  • Health Monitoring: Keep a close eye on the health status of every hosteller.

  • Attendance & Discipline: Efficiently track daily attendance and maintain discipline records for each student.

  • ID Card Creation: Easily prepare and print various ID cards, including visitor and coat ID cards.

Canteen Management Module

The Canteen Management Module in VinHaze ensures that your institution's canteen operations run smoothly and efficiently. With integrated tools for inventory management, you can keep track of stock levels and avoid running out of essential items. Additionally, the sales and billing management feature ensures transactions are seamless, accurate, and easily traceable, making the entire canteen experience hassle-free for both staff and students.

Main Features:

  • Inventory Management: Keep tabs on stock, monitor product levels, and plan reorders efficiently.

  • Sales & Billing Management: Handle all canteen sales transactions with precision and generate clear, accurate bills for every purchase.

Mess Management Module

The Mess Management Module in VinHaze ensures that your institution's dining operations are streamlined and organized. From handling inventory to managing daily sales and billing, this module provides a holistic approach to mess operations. Additionally, with daily menu management and tools to monitor each student's mess attendance, the entire dining experience becomes orderly and efficient.

Main Features:

  • Mess Inventory: Keep a detailed track of stock, ensuring timely replenishments and minimizing wastage.

  • Sales & Billing Management: Oversee sales, generate accurate bills, and manage financials seamlessly.

  • Daily Menu Planning: Plan and communicate daily meal offerings efficiently.

  • Student Mess Attendance: Monitor and log the mess attendance of every student, ensuring accurate meal preparations.

Store Module

The Store Module in VinHaze is a comprehensive tool that ensures your institution's store operates at peak efficiency. From managing inventory to handling sales and returns, this module has been designed to offer a seamless experience. What's more, it comes with the added feature of creating and selling tailored packages, such as book sets, uniforms, or stationery collections, which can be customized for every class and academic year.

Main Features:

  • Inventory Management: Efficiently track stock, monitor product availability, and plan timely restocks.

  • Sales, Billing, & Returns: Process sales seamlessly, generate accurate bills, and manage any sales returns with ease.

  • Package Creation & Sales: Curate and sell custom packages, like book bundles or uniform sets, tailored to each class and academic year.

Health Care & Pharmacy Module

The Health Care & Pharmacy Module in VinHaze prioritizes the well-being of every student. This comprehensive tool allows institutions to document a student's health history, ensuring that any past or present medical concerns are well-documented. With features like periodic check-ups and a dedicated section for vaccination records, it guarantees that students are health-wise on track. Furthermore, the in-house pharmacy management system ensures timely and efficient access to essential medications, making it a holistic solution for student health management.

Main Features:

  • Student Health History: Record and reference the entire health history of each student.

  • Periodic Check-ups: Log and review the results of regular health check-ups for students.

  • Case Sheets & Health Records: Maintain detailed records of any ongoing or past health issues.

  • Vaccination Details: Track and update the vaccination statuses of students, ensuring they're up-to-date.

  • Pharmacy Management: Streamline the operations of an in-house pharmacy, aiding quick access to medicines.

Library Module

VinHaze's Library Module provides a comprehensive platform for managing your institution's library resources and operations. Whether it's about categorizing memberships, maintaining book inventory, or handling periodicals, this module ensures a systematic approach to library management. With seamless tools for issuing, returning, and fine calculation, the library experience for both staff and students becomes efficient and user-friendly.

Main Features:

  • Membership Categories: Create and manage different membership types tailored for students and staff.

  • Membership Management: Oversee library memberships, ensuring organized access for all users.

  • Book Inventory: Maintain an up-to-date inventory of books, ensuring efficient lending and restocking.

  • Periodicals Management: Keep track of magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals available in the library.

  • Issue & Return Management: Streamline the process of book borrowing and returns.

  • Fine Calculation: Automatically compute fines for late returns, book damages, or loss.

Co-curricular Module

The Co-curricular Module in VinHaze is dedicated to fostering the holistic development of students beyond their academic pursuits. It provides a framework for organizing and managing various extracurricular activities like house systems, clubs, and both indoor and outdoor activities. Additionally, with tools to log individual achievements in arts and sports, it ensures that every student's talents and accomplishments are well-documented and celebrated.

Main Features:

  • House Management: Create and oversee different student houses for structured intra-institution competitions and activities.

  • Student Club Management: Handle memberships, attendance, and activities of various student clubs.

  • Activity Management: Streamline the organization of both indoor and outdoor student activities.

  • Achievements Record: Document and recognize each student's accomplishments in the realms of arts and sports.

Front-Office Module

The Front-Office Module in VinHaze is your first line of organization when it comes to managing daily interactions at your institution's entrance. This intuitive module enables you to maintain a detailed address book, keeping track of every visitor, official, and other important contacts. Plus, with features to handle couriers and gate passes, the front office functions are made more streamlined, ensuring efficient day-to-day operations.


Main Features:

  • Address Book Maintenance: Organize and store contact details of visitors, officials, and other vital contacts.

  • Courier Management: Log and manage both incoming and outgoing couriers efficiently.

  • Gate Pass Issuance: Prepare and issue gate passes for students, staff, visitors, and hostel residents.


Asset Management Module

The Asset Management Module in VinHaze ensures that your institution's assets are effectively monitored, tracked, and maintained. Whether it's keeping an inventory of all assets or understanding their locations and distributions, this module provides a comprehensive solution. Moreover, with tools to assess and quantify asset damages, institutions can ensure the longevity and value of their assets are preserved.


Main Features:

  • Asset Inventory: Catalog and maintain a detailed list of all institutional assets, providing clear insights into available resources.

  • Location & Distribution Management: Track the location and distribution of assets, ensuring optimal utilization and easy retrieval.

  • Asset Damage Calculation: Identify and quantify any damages to assets, aiding in maintenance decisions and budget planning.

Get in touch with us for a free demo and know what VinHaze can do to your regular school administration activities.

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